
Flixador is a movie searching app for those that want to keep up with the latest in movie releases. You can scroll through hundreds of movies and series titles right from the home screen. You can also browse through hundreds of titles and their descriptions!

My Role
As the designer and supporting developer, I designed the Flixador App on Figma and called multiple endpoints for movies and tv shows. from the themoviedb API
Flixador's MVP Features:
  • Responsive design on desktop, tablet and mobile
  • Genre category search for movies and shows
  • Side scrolling feature to view category results
  • Title keyword search
  • Search feature for only movie titles
  • Search feature for only show titles
  • Team information section

Built With
This project was conceptualized by building wireframes and prototypes using Figma and Adobe Photoshop. I contributed building this project using React JS, JavaScript, React Redux, React Native, and CSS on the frontend. Dependencies used for the project were axios, redux, react-redux, redux-thunk, redux-devtools-extension/developmentOnly.

The themoviedbAPI was used which gave us the following information:
  • Categories include movies, series, or episodes
  • Access to valid IMDb ID numbers for movies and shows
  • Movie or series title to search for
  • Year of release
  • Short or full plot description


Component Hierarchy

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